Josh Price reports on win for St. Mary Redcliffe and Temple at regional Worldwise Quiz final

Last Autumn, we participated in the Bristol Worldwise Geographical Association Quiz at Clifton College. We competed against many other presigious schools from around Bristol. The rounds were varied and challenging, from general geographical knowledge to fieldwork and OS maps. The compettion was very tight but after a stressful final round, we came out on top by a slim margin. Even better we found out that we would be taking part in the Bristol and Bath Regional Final.

On the night of the final, we (Josh Price, Tim Woods and Alec Temple) took our seats in the impressive Council Chamber of the Wills Memorial Building, University of Bristol. We competed against the winners and second-placed teams from the Bristol and Bath competitions. The quiz ran in the same style to the qualifiers, with seven tough rounds between us and the trophy. After an evening of some serious thinking, we came away with the trophy again, proudly representing our school, St. Mary Redcliffe and Temple.