Students from Bristol, Trowbridge Wotton-under-Edge and Weston prepare for exams with Mark Jones (UWE)

powerpoint_coverslide2014 Hepple Lecture Theatre in Geographical Sciences, Univ. of Bristol, buzzing on the 26th March 2014 with >80 students engaged in geography exam preparation, led by Mark Jones and team of PGCE facilitators from UWE.
See Resources for copy of talk, with or without notes.
AS and A2 students from John of Gaunt School, Trowbridge provide some feedback:
“We found the hexagon and team game revision techniques useful and interesting. We will use these to help revise key topics and try them out in our other A2 subject too.” Alice and Ben
“I found talking about the command words valuable as well as breaking down essay questions into short plans useful practice.” Rebecca
“I enjoyed the command word mix and match task and the discussion about what examiners are looking for to achieve top marks. I need to keep referring back to the question in my responses.” George
“I thought the activities about exam technique were useful, especially trying to conclude an essay with a thoughtful comment rather than simply repeating what I’ve already said (eg: The biggest impact on population change in the future may be a pandemic such as bird flu which is often beyond the control of governments.).” Shaf
“I enjoyed the fun learning environment and the quick pace of activities so we were reminded of a range of good study ideas or used new techniques which we can try at home.” Paul
“A big thanks to Mark and the Bristol GA for providing the workshop!” Matt Palmer, class teacher